New Life

Srimati Carrie
Spekas on "New Life"
Sunday, April 16, 2017 at 11:00am

All of life seeks renewal. The rebirth of nature is a vivid display of this magnificent unfoldment.  Is it any wonder the symbol of the resurrection of Easter is celebrated in the spring—when life itself has risen from the slumber of its dormant state into the vibrancy, beauty and splendor of perfection!

The blessed symbols of soul: light, water and incense, pervade this festival of spring. The winter snows and spring rains bring new life to the earth.  The light pervades not only the day but the life within each leaf and bud. And the fragrant incense of this awakening arises from the perfume of every blossom as it unfolds the beauty of its Creator.

With our own consciousness lifted to the supreme resurrection, we are reborn to that state of perfection. Our spiritual life is again renewed.

—Srimati Carrie

 From Gurus and Swamis: AUM

“Our daily living may enslave our consciousness in the outer world and enchain our cognitive perception. Mind tends to become overfilled with finite thoughts and to be buried under the debris of finite concepts. When awakened from that entombment, soul is resurrected from the grave of ignorance into the light of inherent wisdom. That is the true meaning of Easter as the mystics have realized and revealed.” 

—Swami Premananda, “Seven Mystic Holydays”

“Slowly this consciousness of ours will ascend the cross of spiritual perfection in understanding and illumination as we discover and unfold more of the knowledge of that Divine Self… Perceiving our goal and the means to it as purely spiritual, we are beginning to revitalize our life with ascending subtlety of thought. We are attempting to spiritualize every area of life in the light of Yoga.” 

—Swami Kamalananda, “The Mystic Cross"

Noble Thoughts: "Let Noble Thoughts come to us from every side." —Rig Veda

“I am the resurrection and the life.” 

—John 11:25

“Just as rivers rushing towards the sea leave their names and forms and merge in the sea, even so do wise men leave their names and forms and merge in the paramount divine being. He who knows that great Brahman becomes IT. He becomes free from the bonds of the heart and becomes immortal.” 

—Prayer from Gandhiji’s Ashram Bhajanavali (collection of prayers for the ashram)

“Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a new Life, a life that is good and pure…”

—Qur'an 16:97

“Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

—Isaiah 43:19