Sunday, March 10, 2024
Philosophic Worship Service
11:00 a.m.
“Aesthetic of Beauty”
Service conducted by
Srimati Karuna, Minister
Sunday Bulletin
Nature’s own beauty has an effect on our spirits. We marvel awestruck at the simplicity as well as the grandeur. Philosophically, we witness an eternal truth amidst beauty. Emotionally, our joy increases. Physically, our breath and heart beat harmonize. There is most certainly an effect beyond the senses that verifies a powerful presence.
“In the highest interpretation beauty does not refer to the forms we see. Beauty is Anandam, God, Reality itself. Since God is without forms and features, truly to know God we must learn to see beauty within form, as difficult as that must seem. To this end it may help us to recognize that there is nothing beautiful in creation but for the presence of God, that all Beauty is God’s. To maintain the consciousness of Beauty is the highest faith. To create a life of of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual harmony is the greatest art.”
Reflections on Still Waters
Swami Kamalananda