Thou Soul Immortal

Swami Kamalananda
Speaks on "Thou Soul Immortal"
Sunday, May 31, 2015 at 11:00am

Sunday’s service will be in remembrance of the immortal soul known to us in this life as Jens Erik Steensen: his family life as well as his dedicated service to the ideal of the Swami Order of Absolute Monism as an assistant minister of this church for over forty years.

You may read the Obituary as prepared by his loving family: 

All attending the service are invited by the family to gather in the Puja Hall of the Gandhi Center for sharing reflections and refreshments.


From the Gurus and Swamis: AUM

"When I smile
Thou dost smile through me;
When I cry
In me Thou dost weep,
When I wake
Thou greetest me,
When I walk
Thou art with me.
Thou dost smile and weep,
Thou dost wake and walk
Like me; my Likeness Thou:
But when I dream,
Thou art awake;
When I stumble,
Thou art sure;
When I die
Thou art my life."

—Swami Yogananda Paramhansa from SONGS OF THE SOUL (“Thou in me”)

"The whole world of creation is but the appearance of the reality.  It is the reality adorned with the ornaments of light and life, form and beauty.
"God is the almighty power of good and beneficence.  He is the cosmic creator. He is infinite, eternal and universal.
"He has projected the universe of duality out of his being, yet it remains within his illimitable immensity.  Nothing exists outside his cosmic presence.
"God alone is my creator. He has created me as an individual soul. As a soul I am distinct from all other creations. I am made in the spirit of God."

—from SAYINGS OF SHYAMACHARAN LAHIRI, translated by Swami Premananda

"Alone, I stand alone on the seashore beneath the starlit sky where sands and surfs play their eternal game of love and joy.  I long to join them in their mirth and merriment but my soul hears the distant voice of the deep and perceives that the Lord of Light in heavens above has already illumined the path that leads the known to the Unknown.  I realize that the moment for my departure has arrived, and I must bid farewell and journey along the heaven-lit path to return where my soul once again will meet My-Soul and I become My-Self.  Oh truly, I must be on my way, alone with the Alone."

—Swami Premananda Giri, from PRAYERS OF SOUL

"Let not thy life be guided by the consciousness of enmity or friendship, nor by that of hatred or amiability. If thou desirest peace and emancipation, learn to be equally kind and loving to all."

 —Swami Shankarachariya, from the MOHA-MUDGAR, “The Bludgeon that Strikes Delusion Dead"

Noble Thoughts: ("Let Noble Thoughts come to us from all sides." —Rigveda)

"In my Father’s house are many mansions. I go and prepare a place for you that where I am
ye may be also."

—Jesus of Christ-consciousness (New Testament of the BIBLE, John 14:2)

"One is of supreme wisdom whose consciousness is free from all self-limiting concepts. 
One is a renunciate who has discarded all attachment from his heart.  One is a messenger of Truth who lives by rendering service of good will unto all."

—Buddha, from THE DHAMMAPADA

Every human heart is capable of love and devotion. The nature of water is to moisten; the nature of fire is to give warmth. The nature of a human being is to express pure love.

—Chaitannya, from “Apothegms of Love,” in THE WAY OF WISDOM AND SELF-LIBERATION