Blessed are the Peacemakers

Srimati Carrie Speaks on
"Blessed are the Peacemakers"
Sunday, January 1, 2017 at 11:00am

As we welcome the new year, a feeling of self-renewal inspires our reflection and dedication. This new beginning brings to our minds a prayer for peace and a desire for wisdom.

Our spiritual resolution is to recognize the divine attributes that pervade creation.  We aspire to the perfection of Soul, just as Jesus proclaimed: “Be ye therefore perfect; even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”

As a traditional part of our worship we will offer together the Wisdom of Jesus gathered from his teachings revealed in the Sermon on the Mount. We will examine this enduring message of peace in the light of realization.

—Srimati Carrie


“My soul longs for thy peace not because the world cannot bring happiness to my heart but because only thy peace is unconditional in its blessing and ever-abiding in its grace. Peace is the bliss of God bestowed upon the pure heart and enlightened mind of man. It is attained by the spiritualization of all the experiences and expressions of life. With all my being I yearn for peace and happiness for myself. Then teach me to dedicate a part of my life and action to bring joy and contentment to the hearts of my fellow men everywhere. As the star sends out its light for the joy of all, so let thy peace flow from my soul to bring happiness to all hearts. Peace is the eternal star of God.”

— Swami Premananda

“Man does not guide his soul to God. On the contrary, it is his soul that leads man to God. All his spiritual aspirations have their origin in the soul of man.”

—Shyamacharan Lahiri

“Spiritual aspiration is inherent to us. We are aware of our shortcomings, our limitations. We always feel we are capable of and want to become something higher, purer and better than what we are now. We will continue to struggle subjectively until we find what is necessary for the evolution to perfect peace. For the ultimate achievement in man’s evolution, a change in consciousness and not a change in the outer trappings of life is necessary.”

— Swami Kamalananda


“The higher nature in man always seeks for something that transcends itself and yet, is its deepest truth.”

—Rabindranath Tagore

“Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

— Jesus, The Bible, John 14: 27