Swami Kamalananda
Speaks on "Give Us This Day"
Sunday, June 26, 2016 at 11:00am
I am thinking of this, our final Sunday together before we disperse for July and August. As usual we will all have various plans — be they a dedicated project or study, travels, vacations and visits with family or friends or unique times alone. Whatever our days, they need always be lived consciously, contributing to our spiritual purpose and fulfillment.
In considering our communion with God each day, “Give Us This Day” comes to my mind. We repeat this holy supplication as voiced by Jesus perhaps thousands of times in our life! The few words can pass through our minds almost automatically as having come from a master of Christ Consciousness. But should the experience of their blessedness belong uniquely to Jesus? — Or are they not intended to become intimately and sublimely as our own voices lifted to God and drawing to us the same Infinite offerings of God through our lives each and every day?
Sunday will be an auspicious day for the second child of Neela and Trevor Manendo. In welcoming little Louis Sasanka Manendo’s soul to This Life as given by God, we also bring our aspirations for This and Every Day as given by God to us in the eternal light of Self-Realization and Self-Perfection, One with God.
From the Gurus and Swamis: AUM
"The divine attributes of soul and the spiritual qualities of heart are the threads of holiness and purity which weave the robe of beauty and perfection to adorn the individual personality with happiness and joy.
"The nature of Samskaras determine the resonance of the inner life and the rhythm of outer behavior. I am an image of my own Samskaras, a replica of my subjective impressions, thoughts and concepts, ideas and ideals.
"I am an image made of attributes of God.
I am a self-unfolding self.
Every human being is a pilgrim soul.
"This world with all its varied manifestations is truly a holy house of God. All its varied manifestations are its adorning ornaments of purity and holiness. Its purity is integral and immutable. Purity cannot be polluted. Divinity can never be defiled. The fallen rains resurrect life. The path of soul is never devoid of the Light of God."
—Swami Premananda, from PRAYERS OF SOUL — “My Life—A Prayer”
"I may go far, farther than the farthest star,
but I will be Thine always!
"Devotees may come, devotees may go,
but I will be Thine always!
"I may bound over the billows of many lives,
forlorn beneath the skies of loneliness,
but I will be Thine always.
"The world may leave Thee, while playing with
Thy playthings, but I will be thine always.
"Thou mayest take everything away that Thou
gavest me, but I will be Thine always."
—Swami Yogananda Paramahansa, from WHISPERS FROM ETERNITY
"God offers himself unto us in order that we may live and progress in love and righteousness. Only by the power of the divine qualities within us can we become spiritual and godly. All our creations and expressions of perfection are manifestations of God’s perfection.
"He loves all his creations. Therefore he is with and within us always. Love is oneness. It is the divine bond of spiritual identity.
I perceive the presence and power of God around me in nature and in all beings, but I realize his attributes and perfection in the qualities and peace of my inmost soul."
—from SAYINGS OF SHYAMACHARAN LAHIRI, translated by Swami Premananda
Noble Thoughts:
"Look to this day for it is life,
The very life of life.
In its brief course lie all the varieties
and realities of your existence:
The bliss of growth,
The glory of action,
The splendor of beauty.
But today, well lived
makes every yesterday
a dream of happiness
and every tomorrow
a vision of hope.
Look well therefore to this day.
Such is the salutation to the ever-new dawn."
"Let the children come to me, do not hinder them;
for to such belongs the kingdom of God.
"Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the
kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it."
—Jesus, THE BIBLE, Mark 10:15