Srimati Karuna
Speaks on “Let Us Bring Light”
Sunday, November 4 at 11:00am
Look up to the sky. We see the source of our life. It is the light that shines from the heavens and dances about us. It comes from the very beginning of cosmic creation. From dust and gas in distant space, in total silence, new stars blink into life. From the billions of stars that compose the universe—billions of twinkling lights—we imagine the countless rows and circles of lights leading us ever onward in our journey of creation.
Now think of the simple earthenware diyas that alight the entrance to homes at Diwali and you have a symbol as wondrous as it is bright. The light we bring to each other in a dazzling splendor of joy, is the same light that burns brightly in the celestial flames of the sun, the same pure light reflected in the moon and the same light that illumines the soul.