Srimati Karuna
Speaks on "Faith in a Seed"
Sunday, June 24, 2018 at 11:00am
As our Church season draws to a close for our summer recess perhaps we can draw to worshipful reflection an ideal that will continually nourish us.
The great yogi, Henry David Thoreau, spent a vast amount of time observing, contemplating and writing about the transformations of nature. Even beyond his time at Walden he continued to study trees and plants and their interactions with the elements and animals. His descriptions provided a rich glimpse into the deeper consciousness of his being. Thoreau found “the very earth itself as a granary and a seminary.” He found “faith in a seed,” with a realization of its origin, path and destiny. Then he offered its story to inspire humanity.
His study of how entire forests spring forth is a study of the deep abiding faith of that synthesis of yoga. This synthesis of yoga is described by Sri Aurobindo as “sraddha” — faith — or “the soul’s belief in the Divine’s existence, wisdom, power, love and grace.” The inner soul knows the truth of its own destiny and mission. Faith is required at every step. Without faith there would be no progress.