Srimati Karuna
Speaks on "A Spiritual Lesson Plan”
Sunday, January 5, 2020 at 11:00am
As we ring in the new year, there is a feeling of beginning anew and starting fresh. We make plans and resolutions for the year ahead to change habits and attitudes for the better. We make promises and vows to be wiser, healthier and happier. With a look back at the lessons we learned in the year that has passed, we prepare ourselves for the next steps along the spiritual path.
During our worship service together on the first Sunday of the year we continue the tradition of sharing the profound teachings revealed in the Sermon on The Mount. Gandhi, himself, regarded its assertion of the law of love as eternal wisdom. He derived the same joy from the Sermon on the Mount as he did from the Bhagavad Gita.
I also bring to your attention that Swami KamalanandaJi has sent an important audio message addressed to us all “At the Gate of the Year.” We will listen to it together during the service.