Prakriti - Nature

“I am Prakriti, ordained to creative Nature.
I am the current of the Absolute in the ocean of life.

The Mother of Earth, generating endless harmonies and hues in splendorous profusion.
I fill the skies with endless invitations to awaken the soul from sleep.

Awake, then, from thy slumber of unknowing to discover thy cosmic inheritance of infinite domain in my wondrous emporium.

O Earth, I am here---Thundering in raging seas, plunging with deafening roar into cascading waterfalls, leaping to ignite life with my electric force.

My river song floods fields and plains with verdant beauty.
I celebrate my journey with singing in brooks and streams.

In my sacred wildernesses soft rains murmur reverent prayers---
Green cathedrals sharing secret communion in hushed voices---

Branches uplifted and outstretched beseechingly to receive this hallowed consecration of the firmament.

I paint seasons’ colored tapestries on bark and leaf, tender flower petals and on carpets of untrod moss.

Dwelling in serene reflection in calm lakes and ponds, I lift to rippling surfaces sweet and gentle memories from my still and silent source.

I alone inhabit the deep.”

The Forest of Forever