Perfecting the means is a constant effort that requires steadfastness and humility. It requires placing importance upon every thought, every word and every deed. Our actions produce effects in both seen and unseen ways. Therefore, we should not be attached to the ends for we may not know or understand the actual effect.
Read moreThe Wisdom of Jnana Yoga
Wisdom is the discerning nature of the soul. It is not merely intellect but a higher state of consciousness that guides us internally. Self-knowledge has a value unequal to any other possession in life. It is that which alone reveals the true nature of ourselves and the world around us.
Read moreAll is revealed
What is the message revealed by Nature? What expression does the formless give within form?
Ever offering a living word, the tone and tenor of cosmic vibration carries the Absolute into Self-manifestation.
Dewdrop Beads of Light
I walk to the tree of life and sit beneath her canopy. My thoughts ascend through her outstretched branches. I listen to her wisdom and praise her for her beauty. I thank her for her beneficence. I learn from her guidance. She offers blessings as dewdrop beads of light on the gossamer string of love.
Read moreBeginningless and Endless
O precious cycle of time, I witness your changing attire, your wardrobe of expression. Traversing celestial realms, this budding universe appears before me in all its grandeur.
Read moreMeditation on AUM
AUM represents the physical, mental and spiritual states of consciousness of the Self. For the final Wednesday evening of our Kriya Yoga Meditation series we will explore the powerful suggestion of the silent utterance of this sacred mantram, contemplating its meaning and significance, as we meditate on AUM.
Read moreLight of Inner Illumination
All messengers of light have identified the path of inner illumination. It is accessible to anyone who makes sincere effort. Even when darkness surrounds us from all sides, still there is a light on the altar of our consciousness that burns bright. For this evening’s Kriya Meditation, let us meditate on the glory of that effulgent reality. All are welcome.
Read morePrana and Kundalini
In meditation, the mind has to become more subtle. To get to that subtle perception we have to begin with that which sets the whole engine in motion. That is Prana. Prana determines the quality of our consciousness. This cosmic Prana is not realized by the light of intellect, the brilliance of mind, or the power of the senses.
Read moreBreath of Life
The mystic studies the breath of life in subtle and beautiful ways. In this third evening of our Kriya series, we enter that current which reaches the innermost and extends outward.
Read moreSerenity and Subjectivity
To free the mind from the strong grip of mental attachment requires a steadfast pursuit of the study of silence. Not just silence of the senses but a sense of calm can be attained by an inward journey. In this second evening of our Kriya Yoga series we will dive into the ocean of self-subjectivity and the depth of calm.
Read moreAwakening
What are the dimensions of our meditation? In our daily life and activity we live in dimensions of length, height and depth and we experience the effects of time. Scientists theorize about additional dimensions in which other worlds arise and other histories and futures are possible. In our meditation we explore universes of experience that go beyond space and time, to the infinite and eternal. In the first evening of our Kriya Series we will begin to explore awakening to the light and life of meditation.
Read morePrayer Beads
The idea of life as a continuous prayer reveals the sublimity of soul through constant remembrance of God, the source and perfection of life. Prayers of praise and thankfulness, prayers of devotion and longing, prayers of hope and peace...all maintain a prayerful thought throughout every dimension of life. Prayer is an act of communion with the Divine. It is the constant thought of God.
Read moreThe Power of Ahimsa
Ahimsa, in its subtle power, depends on a cosmic principle — that of the oneness of life. Ahimsa, in its positive form, means the largest love, the greatest charity. When ahimsa becomes all-embracing it transforms everything it touches. There is no limit to its power. Gandhiji understood that power. He made a conscious and constant effort to apply the power of ahimsa in his daily life. Ahimsa is living so as to realize the oneness of life.
Read moreKriya Yoga
In this Kriya Yoga Meditation series we will examine the life and practice of Kriya. Each evening we will explore the abode of PEACE within us by our own personal effort and unfoldment. AUM-SHANTHI
Read moreThread of Desire
When our desires are many, they overwhelm us. We don’t know which one to fulfill, when, or how. Yet, out of this maze of infinite desires, we find the soul’s one true desire: the perfection of absolute oneness.
Read moreHamsa
When others around him sank into gloom and despair, Gandhiji held on to an unfailing optimism. A text often on his lips to reawaken others' lost inspiration was from Tulsidas' Ramayana: "All things - with or without life - the Lord has created with their good and bad points. The wise like the discerning swan separate the good milk and reject the adulterating water."
Read moreGandhi and Advaita
On the occasion of Gandhi Jayanti, the observance of the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, we reflect upon the enduring inspiration of his idealism.
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