"Beatitudes for the New Year " January 1, 2023

Sunday, January 1, 2023
Worship Service
11:00 a.m.

“Beatitudes for the New Year”

Service conducted by
Srimati Karuna, Minister
Sunday Bulletin

As we face the new year, what will guide us to the perfect peace we desire?
Let us turn to the inspired words of great souls who have tread the path before us. Let us turn inward with renewed determination to realize our infinite blessings of light, life and love.


“Self-knowledge alone brings peace, creative power and grace to the mind. Self-knowledge is only possible when the mind has become subjective, contemplative and awake to the presence of the soul. The mind becomes dynamically serene, receptive and responsive to that which is spiritual when it is self-aware. Spiritual understanding in turn manifests in noble-mindedness, cheerfulness and perpetual optimism.”

—Swami Kamalananda, Frontiers of the Spirit