"The Creator's Song" January 8, 2023

January 8, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.
Service conducted by
Srimati Karuna, Minister
Sunday Bulletin

God’s beautiful and blessed song is a tune that carries us through life. What a beautiful title for a scripture of yoga—as this is the meaning of the name, Bhagavad Gita.

From the origin of existence and its underlying cosmic vibration, we seek attunement with the song of the cosmos—with the song of the Creator.


“With the soft touches of my soul-antenna, I tuned the radio of my inner intuition. At first, I caught the voices of those near Thee—a symphony of soul-harmony, the sweet strains of my singing heart’s orchestra of feelings, the chorus of my age-long cravings for Thee—all caught on the radio of my soul. I kept tuning my perception, waiting to catch Thy voice, O Guardian Angel of all souls. With infinite patience I kept tuning, and, as I almost slept, Thy song gushed through my heart. I will broadcast my life’s voice with the chorus of Thy songs.”

—Swami Yogananda, Whispers from Eternity