"What is my Dharma?" September 18, 2022

Sunday, September 18, 2022
Worship Service
11:00 a.m.

“What is my Dharma?”

Service conducted by Srimati Karuna, Minister
All are welcome.
Sunday Bulletin

We follow the laws of society. They change with the wisdom of civilization.
We follow the laws of the universe. They are vast in their reach.
We follow the laws of eternal truth. They guide us through all conditions.

What is the law of self-unfoldment?
What does it mean to follow our own dharma? 
How do we discover what that is?

Perhaps the noblest of all investigations is the study of what we should be and what we should pursue. 

 “I am in doubt regarding what path, harmonious with the nature of my present state of development, I should follow. I resign my finite self to my infinite wisdom, may it bring me illumination and guidance to the realization of eternal, conscious bliss…Even the wise acts in conformity with his unfoldment. Every being follows his own innate development. It availeth not to violate this law of self-unfoldment… Better, indeed, it is to follow one’s own Dharma, though imperfect, than to follow that of another, no matter how perfect it may appear to be.”

—Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita 2:7, 3:33,35, translated by Swami Premananda