Sunday, February 2, 2025
Philosophic Worship Service
11:00 a.m.
“Path of Wisdom”
Srimati Karuna, Minister
Sunday Bulletin
Wisdom must be guided by the heart and applied in service. Wisdom is not merely intellect but a higher state of consciousness that guides us internally. It is the discerning nature of soul born of direct realization.
“By the practice of Yoga, with mind firmly fixed on me and with conscious resignation unto me, thou shalt without doubt know me comprehensively. Unto thee I shall speak fully of this wisdom born of direct realization, knowing which there remains nothing else to be known in this ephemeral world.”
Srimad-Bhagavad-Gita 7:1-2
Translated by Swami Premananda
”There is a state of mental equilibrium within us, a state of inner serenity wherein mind can rest in the illumination of soul. Yoga, through profound contemplative meditation, leads the mind into the realm of inner serenity and spiritual revelation.”
Raja Yoga: The Yoga of God-Realization
Swami Premananda
“This wisdom (jnana) is not mere book learning. In it there is no room for doubt. It begins with faith and ends with experience.”
Mahatma Gandhi