In a time of solitude, do we feel sorrow? Do we feel the emotional pain of separation? Do we long for companionship?
Sometimes we do long for solitude. We desire to have a little peace and a little space, to just be. We desire to be alone with God.
What do we seek in solitude? What do we find?
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As we approach Palm Sunday let us reflect on the symbol of the ever-green palms that represent the immortal soul. Let us meditate on the one life breath that unites all of life in the perfection of soul. Let us call to mind these words of the Svetasvatara Upanishad:
"The flame of pure-consciousness is eternally ignited within this body. By the meditation of Hong-Swa, all delusion having been dispelled, the Self is revealed in its effulgent glory. There is no path other than this to the attainment of immortality...Hong-Swa leads to the realization of Sohong in wisdom and bliss."
“Awakened by spiritual hope, through devotion, we come to recognize that the whole created universe is the manifested form of God, the divine reality…Ascending in pure effulgence, consciousness reveals the universal oneness.”
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As we continue (globally now) to distance ourselves physically from one another, we have the opportunity to know our oneness of Soul with all beings in a greater and more profound light.
The absolute oneness of life may be realized both in the manifest forms of the cosmos and also in the unmanifest formlessness of divine life energy. Let us our turn our subjective meditation to this infinite, eternal source.
Once again this week, I will prepare and offer an audio recorded worship service to share with you this Sunday morning. Please continue to remain in touch with us and with each other.
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What are the seemingly lasting impressions that affect our thinking, living and being? These impressions can only be experienced as temporary though they often appear to be long-lasting. Habits of consciousness are easily swayed by changing conditions, but true realization requires an eternal ideal and genuine effort.
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Kabir, the 15th century poet-weaver, weaves his way into the hearts of millions through the mystical loom of his mind and heart. His songs move the faithful to pure devotion, all the while acknowledging the work of the Creator. What is the warp and what is the weft? What is the thread with which the Master Weaver fashions the fabric of the universe?
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Can we be both “of dust” and “of spirit”? With a reminder of the ashes placed on the forehead on many a faithful this week, the mortality of the body and the immortality of soul renew the question and response offered by the Persian poet Fariduddin Attar, "Which matters more, the body or the soul? Be whole: desire and journey to the Whole.”
With the expressions of the infinite and finite, the divine and worldly, as well as the sacred and secular may come this thought: “There is but one Reality that permeates thee and me and all beings…Then why does thou lose thy forbearance and become angry? Rise above the consciousness of separation and realize thyself in all and all in thee.” This universal message of Shankaracharya brings to mind an ideal to seek and uphold amidst the ever changing conditions of this earthly existence.
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Every Sunday we avow together our spiritual ideal as recorded in the Eternal Truths of Absolute Monism: “I Am Brahman, The Absolute Self.” and “Everything is the Manifestation of God, the Divine Reality.” Few of us have fully realized this lofty ideal, yet it forever guides us. Steadfast devotion to this ideal gives us “glimpses of truth” which eternally draw us upwards and onwards on our spiritual path until the ideal becomes our reality. Let us proceed with patience and perseverance. The goal is assured.
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How do we train the heart? How do we strengthen our capacity for compassion and loving kindness? How do we develop within ourselves the realization of kinship with all beings?
We begin the day by awakening from sleep all the physical and mental functions. But do we attempt to begin the day by awakening the heart?
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