Sacred and Secular

Can we be both “of dust” and “of spirit”? With a reminder of the ashes placed on the forehead on many a faithful this week, the mortality of the body and the immortality of soul renew the question and response offered by the Persian poet Fariduddin Attar, "Which matters more, the body or the soul? Be whole: desire and journey to the Whole.” 

With the expressions of the infinite and finite, the divine and worldly, as well as the sacred and secular may come this thought: “There is but one Reality that permeates thee and me and all beings…Then why does thou lose thy forbearance and become angry? Rise above the consciousness of separation and realize thyself in all and all in thee.” This universal message of Shankaracharya brings to mind an ideal to seek and uphold amidst the ever changing conditions of this earthly existence.

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While Waiting...

One of the most difficult things we experience in life is the act of waiting…for an answer to our prayer, for a call from a loved one, for a problem to be solved, or for a pain to heal. Turning our thoughts of self-reflection to what it is we do while we wait may shed some light on our own quality of consciousness. Are we productive? Are we constructive? Are we positive? Or, do we become fearful and anxious about the outcome? Do we fritter away the time or do we spend that time in preparation? What do we do while waiting?

The season of Advent, a Latin term that means “coming”, gives us a special time to explore how we subjectively prepare and guide ourselves to receive the source of illumination and inspiration that awaits us.

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Deep Thoughts, Deep Breaths

Where do we find profound wisdom to guide us on the pilgrimage of life? How do we get to the top of the mountain when the altitude challenges us with every breath and we struggle to maintain the energy and equilibrium to continue? How do we dive to the very depth of the sea when both our body and mind try to carry us back to the surface?

From our first breath to our last the infinite mystery of the soul is imprinted upon our consciousness. It is always within our reach.

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Blessings of Soul

What are the blessings we count as the divine gifts of our life? Do we see only the good and the beautiful as blessings? What if we should regard every experience and encounter of life as a blessing of soul, a blessing from God? How then would we live?

With such pure and devoted consciousness we will offer thankfulness for every aspect of life. We will begin to realize our oneness with all of life. For this final Sunday worship service before our two month summer recess, we come together to share our prayers of devotion for the blessings of soul.

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To Study God

We all have moments when we ask ourselves or are asked by others: What is my religion? What do I believe? 

Countless philosophers have studied and asked endless questions of the creator and the created, only to find that they must continually ask new questions and study the truth of existence ever more. What is the goal of this constant search?

How do we study God? Do we read scripture? Do we pray for enlightenment? Do we call upon nature? Do we seek a guru? Perhaps we may take comfort in our ideal that to study God, to study the soul and its activity throughout life will lead us on a path to a greater knowledge, love and existence.

The poet-composer Rabindranath Tagore, wrote: “In the freedom of consciousness we realize the sense of unity with our larger being, finding fulfillment in the dedicated life of an ever-progressive truth and ever-active love.” In order to study God, should we not study life itself?

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