Sacred and Secular

Can we be both “of dust” and “of spirit”? With a reminder of the ashes placed on the forehead on many a faithful this week, the mortality of the body and the immortality of soul renew the question and response offered by the Persian poet Fariduddin Attar, "Which matters more, the body or the soul? Be whole: desire and journey to the Whole.” 

With the expressions of the infinite and finite, the divine and worldly, as well as the sacred and secular may come this thought: “There is but one Reality that permeates thee and me and all beings…Then why does thou lose thy forbearance and become angry? Rise above the consciousness of separation and realize thyself in all and all in thee.” This universal message of Shankaracharya brings to mind an ideal to seek and uphold amidst the ever changing conditions of this earthly existence.

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Rock of Ages

The story of time unfolds before us within the layers of this rocky globe. The story of cosmic life creating, sustaining and absorbing aspects of the physical world unfold with each layer of sediment. Of all the rocks in the universe, we inhabit this orb, the third rock from the sun. Drawing from a biblical reference: life wisely built a house upon this rock. 

Rocks are constantly hurling through space, sometimes breaking through our atmosphere, and within them, elements that make life possible. We are composed of such minerals and yet what is the true composition of our life? From dust and gas in distant space, to the consciousness of the human soul, a sacred journey continuously reveals a cosmic secret.

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Divine Mother

On Mother’s Day we reflect on the divine qualities of Mother: selflessness, unconditional love, a patient, understanding, and compassionate heart. 

We all know what it means to have a “mother’s intuition,” but all souls are potentially intuitive. And yet, for many of us that faculty lies dormant. We often go against our intuition. We lack confidence. We lack clarity.

How do we develop our intuitive faculties?

Always remember to draw from that sacred, infinitely vast cosmic life energy from its source within you. It is that very life-giving power that pervades the whole universe. Awareness of that power helps to cultivate the light of intuition. 

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