Life has only one goal, it is the realization of blissfulness. All possessions are pain bearing if they are not blessed with peace. Life without peace is existence in eternal sorrow. The most powerful impelling force of all my aspirations and desires is my longing for peace. The yearning for happiness is the most secret as well as the most sacred desire of the human heart because all its hopes and aspirations spring forth from this innate and fundamental longing of the inner spirit of man. I am absolutely certain that even if I wanted to suppress, much less eradicate, my yearning for peace I would be utterly unsuccessful. I know that I want to live in peace and happiness, joy and contentment. I want to live in peace, peace for myself as well as peace for my fellowmen. The attainment of knowledge is the supreme purpose of life and the realization of peace is the divine goal of human existence.
Why do we desire peace? Because peace is the basic substance of our being. It is a constituent quality of our spiritual self. Peace is the divine essence of the soul. We long for that which belongs to us and we are never satisfied until we have regained our divine treasure. The longing for peace is the most blessed yearning of our soul, the most righteous desire of our being.
Within the immensity of my illumined pure consciousness I have discovered the abode of unbounded joy and ever abiding peace. This inner peace has no limitation either in depth or in expansiveness. It is immeasurable and infinite.
Furthermore, it is completely free from any objective association. It is the very essence of peace, the substance of happiness itself. It is peace in its purest perfection. It is happiness in its abundant fullness. It is the living joy of beatitude. It is the peace of soul in the blissfulness of God. It is there within my consciousness. It has always been there. It has not been passive and silent. On the contrary, it has been very dynamic and eloquent in my intuitive awareness of its presence within me. The power of peace is eternal and the voice of peace is heard within the heart and soul of every being. In searching for peace man seeks to regain the blessedness of his soul. I have found the peace of God in my soul, within the abode of my pure and illumined consciousness.
I often retire into the inner abode of my illumined pure consciousness to dwell in the peace of God within me. God has built a heaven of blissfulness within me.
Swami Premananda
The Abode of Peace Within My Consciousness