Why do we desire peace?

Why do we desire peace? Because peace is the basic substance of our being. It is a constituent quality of our spiritual self. Peace is the divine essence of the soul. We long for that which belongs to us and we are never satisfied until we have regained our divine treasure. The longing for peace is the most blessed yearning of our soul, the most righteous desire of our being.

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The Unselfish Life

We shall be drowned in the ocean of misery if we live in selfishness. A little straw in the river sinks down under a small weight. A log floats, though a crocodile may lie upon it. A selfish life is like the little straw which is unable to hold itself up against the burden of a little suffering. An unselfish man is like the log, though the monster of great misery be thrust upon him, he lives in serenity, wisdom and joy.

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The gentle autumn has arrived. Her very presence fills the heart with serene happiness. Tranquility composes the mind with calmness, a sublime stillness pervades the entire being with inexplicable beatitude, soul feels closer to one's own pure consciousness, and a contemplative attitude fills the whole environment with an inner spiritual well-being.a

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So long as our unfoldment requires us to continue our existence in the world of manifestation, we must have two ideals. One is the relative and the other is the absolute ideal. The relative ideal demands that we provide for the objective aspect of life; whereas the absolute ideal inspires us to realize the highest state of perfection, which is oneness with God, or Self-realization.

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Noble Qualities

I have discovered that man is fundamentally good and spiritual. In the innermost depth of his heart every man is kind and loving. This realization of the innate goodness of man has completely oriented my attitude towards my fellow beings. Today none can hurt me because I behold man in his spirit, and in his spirit man is good. Now my constant effort, under all circumstances, is to awaken man to his innate virtue and righteousness.

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Nine Stages of Self-Unfoldment

Self-realization is the highest goal of our life. We are irresistibly progressing towards that ultimate objective of our existence. In truth, through science, art, philosophy and religion we are drawing ever nearer to the realization of the full perfection and glory of God, our supreme Self. In the realization of our divine self we reach that state of self-perfection wherein we realize our identity with God and attain the realization that we are the absolute self.

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I was alone on the lonely mountain when I heard thy voice in the song of a spring bird. I opened my eyes and beheld thy form. I looked within and found thee in my heart. The light of the new dawn has touched my soul and I am awakened with the vision of thy all-pervading universality and thy transcendental infinity.

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Five Ways of Meditation

Meditation is a very broad term in the field of philosophy and religion. It includes all righteous efforts of mind, heart and soul that lead to enlightenment, revelation and realization. Enlightenment is the result of the right comprehension of truth. Revelation is the result of the inner unfoldment of truth. Realization is the perfection of becoming one with truth.

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