Life, intelligence and love are truly within us. When these are spoken of in their universal nature, they are called absolute truths. We can only reveal and assert, but never prove them. We are Brahman, the Self, God. Yet at present we are not fully conscious of our true nature. The goal of our life’s journey is to realize our absolute divinity, otherwise called realization of our oneness with God. Is it possible to know, or realize God? Yes, it is most assuredly so.
There is a great difference between “knowledge” as we generally understand this term, and “realization.” To realize is to be come one with the reality which transcends sense perception. Realization is subjective. It rules that state of consciousness which intellect cannot penetrate. Knowledge is objective; it is finite. It is based on intellect. We know the phenomenal world; we realize the noumeal reality. We may know about a table, a picture, or any other object in the manifested universe, but in our knowledge of it we do not become one with it. It remains as a separate entity in our consciousness. Intellectual grasp is not realization. Let me further point out the difference between the two concepts from the illustration of a beautiful table. We acquire knowledge regarding its form, size and materials. These are external conditions. But we realize the beauty that is manifested through it. Beauty is a transcendental reality, which we realize.
Meditation is the gaining of control over our mind by turning it towards God. Meditation can be in two forms, subjective and objective. Subjective meditation is to meditate upon the Self within. “I am the absolute Self.” Thus meditate that you are Self, Spirit, God. Withdraw your mind from all other thoughts and firmly establish it on the Self within. Objective meditation is to realize God in all objects of the phenomenal world. Always culture recognition of the presence of God in all things. Unconditionally learn to see God everywhere. Never mind whether an object is pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad. See God in all. All these conceptions of the pairs of opposites are our own manufacture. Rise above duality and see God everywhere.
Our spiritual life should not be dominated by adverse material circumstances. Spiritual life must stand above all earthly conditions, as our Soul is above all effects of dualities. Do not always seek God, begin to see God. Blessed is he who sees God everywhere and beholds good in all things.
Swami Premananda
The Path of Pure Consciousness: Jnana Yoga