Thy Infinite Voice

“Thou dost speak unto me in the melody of thy infinite voice.

The gentle whisper of the passing breeze, the mystic call of the soaring skylark, the minstrel song of the wandering brook, the message of eternity from the mighty sea---thy voice all!---I hear in rapturous adoration because thou hast endowed me with the power of hearing.

The silent teardrops of the crushed heart, the distant cry of the lost wayfarer, the prayer of the penitent soul, bring me closer to thee because I have heard the voice of thy call of love and mercy.

Thy voice of truth would be lost in the nothingness of space if I could not hear thy revealed word of wisdom repeated unto me by enlightened men of realization.

Thou dost speak unto me because I possess the faculty of hearing thy divine utterance.

The resounding rhythm of thy cosmic creation which unites soul with thy transcendental Self, I perceive within me because thou hast given me the power to hear.”

The Sanctity of The Senses
Swami Premananda