Krishna as the guide of Arjuna reveals the truth and ideal of guru—that is, our own divine, ever pure and perfect soul, Self-conscious and ever one with God. Embodying the ideal of human guru, Krishna leads Arjuna to discover the life of his own soul.
Read moreLiberation Through Work
What is Karma Yoga? It is Self-Realization in action; liberation through work; freedom by service. It is commonly called the path of action. In whatever state of self-expression we engage, that is action. We think, we love, we work. These are all actions. Karma Yoga is the regulation of all our actions in order that we may realize our innate spiritual perfection.
Read moreBeginningless and Endless
O precious cycle of time, I witness your changing attire, your wardrobe of expression. Traversing celestial realms, this budding universe appears before me in all its grandeur.
Read moreMeditation on AUM
AUM represents the physical, mental and spiritual states of consciousness of the Self. For the final Wednesday evening of our Kriya Yoga Meditation series we will explore the powerful suggestion of the silent utterance of this sacred mantram, contemplating its meaning and significance, as we meditate on AUM.
Read moreLight of Inner Illumination
All messengers of light have identified the path of inner illumination. It is accessible to anyone who makes sincere effort. Even when darkness surrounds us from all sides, still there is a light on the altar of our consciousness that burns bright. For this evening’s Kriya Meditation, let us meditate on the glory of that effulgent reality. All are welcome.
Read moreHong Swa
"O Thou self-manifested cause and substance of creation, O Thou indwelling Self of all, Thou source of illumination, guide me beyond Thy rays of creation, transport me beyond Thy objective form that, by Thy grace, I may behold Thy glorious Self: That absolute Self abiding in the transcendental effulgence, verily, I am That."
Read morePrana and Kundalini
In meditation, the mind has to become more subtle. To get to that subtle perception we have to begin with that which sets the whole engine in motion. That is Prana. Prana determines the quality of our consciousness. This cosmic Prana is not realized by the light of intellect, the brilliance of mind, or the power of the senses.
Read moreBreath of Life
The mystic studies the breath of life in subtle and beautiful ways. In this third evening of our Kriya series, we enter that current which reaches the innermost and extends outward.
Read moreSerenity and Subjectivity
To free the mind from the strong grip of mental attachment requires a steadfast pursuit of the study of silence. Not just silence of the senses but a sense of calm can be attained by an inward journey. In this second evening of our Kriya Yoga series we will dive into the ocean of self-subjectivity and the depth of calm.
Read moreAwakening
What are the dimensions of our meditation? In our daily life and activity we live in dimensions of length, height and depth and we experience the effects of time. Scientists theorize about additional dimensions in which other worlds arise and other histories and futures are possible. In our meditation we explore universes of experience that go beyond space and time, to the infinite and eternal. In the first evening of our Kriya Series we will begin to explore awakening to the light and life of meditation.
Read moreSymbol of the Palm
In the light of mysticism, the entry into Jerusalem symbolizes the journey of life, the pilgrimage of self-unfoldment which each of us must follow on the path of life. The life of Jesus sets forth a spiritual pattern which each of us must follow to walk on the path of God.
Read moreLife is Guided by Consciousness
All life is guided by consciousness. Consciousness is responsible for all our happiness or unhappiness, peace or sorrow in life. Right now we are our consciousness. Our consciousness reveals the authority over our daily experience.
Read moreA Word for Nature
Books and words comprise scriptures, but they are not the only revelations of life. All creation is “word,” God's cosmic scripture for us to read and understand. The method of study is glorification, communion, and feeling that the stream of life that flows through our and Nature's veins is One.
Read moreNine Stages of Self-Unfoldment
Self-realization is the highest goal of our life. We are irresistibly progressing towards that ultimate objective of our existence. In truth, through science, art, philosophy and religion we are drawing ever nearer to the realization of the full perfection and glory of God, our supreme Self. In the realization of our divine self we reach that state of self-perfection wherein we realize our identity with God and attain the realization that we are the absolute self.
Read morePeace of Subjectivity
Let us examine our mental life to see how well established in the peace of our own subjectivity we are: For too many people the day is so crowded with one activity after another that there is little time given to realize pure self-reflection. Instead, they habitually establish themselves solely in their objective life, allowing their mind to be dominated by the sense-world.
Read moreInitiation into Subjective Meditation is Like a Bridge
“Initiation into subjective meditation is like a bridge to those who are earnest and determined to transcend all inner finiteness. Realization of the imperishable Brahman, the absolute Self, is the goal of self-liberation.”
Read moreLove is Soul
All possess love. We not only possess love, but we also have the spiritual strength to express it. To possess love is to manifest it. One whose heart is imbued with love can never hide it, for his whole being radiates it. Can a full-blown rose hide its fragrance? Then how can anyone ever conceal the sweetness of love? For love is sweeter than the rose
Read moreAscending Consciousness
With ascending consciousness soul offers itself in sacrifice throughout its human pilgrimage to God, and sacrifice can be perceived and understood in the manifestation of the human personality at four levels.
Read moreWhy Do We Meditate?
We meditate to live in the consciousness of God, to enlighten our life with the spirit of God. That is our goal. This soul within us is God. Therefore, it is through our own soul that we will come to know God. All meditation begins with the soul, not with the senses.
Read morePath of Self-Enlightenment
Speak ill of no one, hurt no one, steadfastly follow the path which leads to self-liberation, be moderate in the enjoyment of life, from time to time seek solitude, but always keep your mind firmly established on the highest Self: These are the conditions of the path of self-enlightenment.
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