"Our Spiritual Ancestors" October 30, 2022

Sunday, October 30, 2022
Worship Service
11:00 a.m.

“Our Spiritual Ancestors”

Service conducted by Srimati Karuna, Minister
All are welcome.
Sunday Bulletin

Who are our spiritual ancestors? From what source do we derive our noblest aspirations? What is our spiritual inheritance?

We so often think of our familial ancestors, lineage, culture and ethnicity. We recount that which has been handed down to us by tradition and genetics…but what about the light of wisdom, love and revelation?

The ancients, the masters, and teachers guide us along the journey of the soul.

“The communion of souls is the realization of spiritual oneness with the infinite and the eternal, the divine and the beautiful. Realization of the perfection of God is the ideal of true devotion. Righteousness is a dynamic power which transforms inner life and moulds outer conduct. Spiritual ideals inspire the soul, and life is the fulfillment of an ideal.”

—Swami Premananda, “The Inner Path to God”

“As his soul matures, a person desires self-realization as the exaltation and fulfillment of his total being. He longs for realization of that latent power in him—the consciousness of what is higher, finer, and more sublime than what his senses know. At last he embraces the soul’s great adventure to tap the hidden source and meaning of all things and his own true relationship with all life.”

—Swami Kamalananda, “Reflections on Still Waters”

“Old trees are our parents, and our parents’ parents, perchance. If you would learn the secrets of Nature, you must practice more humanity than others.”

― Henry David Thoreau, “The Journal,” 1837-1861